Hashmakers: Shish’s quality concentrates

We are hashmakers. Artisans. Connoisseurs of cannabis.

Like the finest winemakers — making 5 star, full-melt hash is a craft we have practiced for years.

Hash is a centuries old tradition. Shish is about celebrating that culture and bringing techniques and innovations to ensure hash has a place in the modern world.

Ice Water Hash

5 Star. Full Melt. Small-Batch.

Our ice water hash is the cornerstone of our portfolio and the purest representation of the plant.

Shish hash starts with resin-rich flower grown by local cultivators, all selected for their unique terpene profiles and effects.

Our hash is always 70μ or 120μ selects.

Shishi’s: Hash Infused Pre Rolls

Classy. Convenient. Perfectly Proportioned.

Infused with our own high quality ice water hash, and preserved with re-seal packaging technology, our Shishi’s are incredibly fresh and smooth from start-to-finish.

12 Joints per tin, 3.6 grams total net wt.

Shish live rosin cartridge. Blue tin with symbol of tank in pink with a live rosin vape pen with matching logo and a white battery sitting on top of a marble table with a blurry flower and green leaves in the background.

Live Rosin Vape Cartridge

Every cartridge we produce starts with single-origin fresh frozen cannabis, washed into high quality hash, and then pressed to create terpene rich rosin.

Our vape pens are high quality from start-to-finish. Each cartridge has a ceramic core for optimal rosin flow, and a sustainable hemp tip.

.5g Live Rosin per cartridge.